Arnside Dental Practice, on Silverdale Road, was found to be safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The service, run by Jonathan McHugh, provides private and NHS dental care and treatment.
Inspectors found there was no need for further action.
A report said: “The dental clinic appeared clean and well-maintained.
“The practice had infection control procedures which reflected published guidance.
“The practice had systems to manage risks for patients, staff, equipment and the premises.
“Safeguarding processes were in place and staff knew their responsibilities for safeguarding vulnerable adults and children.
“Clinical staff provided patients’ care and treatment in line with current guidelines.
“Patients were treated with dignity and respect. Staff took care to protect patients’ privacy and personal information.
“Staff provided preventive care and supported patients to ensure better oral health.
“The appointment system worked efficiently to respond to patients’ needs.
“The frequency of appointments was agreed between the dentist and the patient, giving due regard to National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines.
“There was effective leadership and a culture of continuous improvement.
“Staff felt involved, supported and worked as a team.
“Staff and patients were asked for feedback about the services provided.
“Complaints were dealt with positively and efficiently.
“The practice had information governance arrangements.”
Inspectors also said that to improve, the service should: “Improve the practice’s systems for assessing, monitoring, and mitigating the risks associated with fire. In particular, staff fire training and fire drills.
“Implement an effective recruitment procedure to ensure that appropriate checks are completed prior to new staff commencing employment at the practice.
“Take action to ensure the availability of equipment in the practice to manage medical emergencies taking into account the guidelines issued by the Resuscitation Council (UK) and the General Dental Council.”
The practice was last inspected in 2013 when it was also found to meet the standard.
The dental team includes two dentists, a dental therapist, two dental nurses, two receptionists and a practice manager. The practice has two ground-floor treatment rooms.