Former CofE vicar complains about Tesco Carnforth Pride signs

Julian Mann is an evangelical journalist living in Morecambe who writes for Christian Today.

He is a former Church of England and Free Church of England vicar. He left the Church of England after it demanded a ban on conversion therapy in 2017. 

Tesco responded to a complaint he made about the sign by saying ‘we support LGBTQ+ equality and accept people without exception.’ 

The Westmorland Gazette: The sign displays an LGBTQ flagThe sign displays an LGBTQ flag (Image: Submitted)

Mr Mann wrote a letter to Tesco HQ saying: “I am writing to raise concerns about the prominent sign promoting the Pride movement which I saw today at the entrance to the Tesco store in Carnforth. I am a regular customer and Clubcard holder.

READ MORE: Kendal to ‘do pride differently’ with first pride festival

“Why is Tesco promoting a controversial neo-Marxist ideological cum political movement at this store? Would the company have shown a sign promoting Brexit or Remain during the 2016 referendum? 

“If the reason for promoting Pride is because Tesco wishes to commend the work done by LGBT charities, that surely raises the question why the store does not show prominent signs with a Christian or Islamic symbol commending the charitable works done in the name of these world religions?

The Westmorland Gazette: Julian Mann writes for publications such as Christian TodayJulian Mann writes for publications such as Christian Today (Image: Submitted)

“As a result of what I saw today, I intend to transfer my custom to Aldi. This is sad for me because the staff at the Carnforth store are unusually friendly and efficient.”

A Tesco spokesperson said: “Everyone’s welcome at Tesco. We support LGBTQ+ equality and accept people without exception. We’re proud to be a part of Pride again this year and will continue to strive to ensure everyone feels welcome, every day.”

Kendal is hosting its first Pride Festival from Friday, July 21 to Sunday, July 23. 

Kendal-based drag queen NOVA GINA, who will be involved in the festival, said: “I’ve lived here for eight years and have attended pride events throughout Cumbria but now I can finally celebrate pride, acceptance and inclusion where I live and love at Kendal’s very first pride.”

The Westmorland Gazette | North Lancs